Adventures in gardening…

Of course I have been spending my time procrastinating posting this…

Leave it to binge watching seasons on Netflix in my free time to take away from my writing skills as I hopelessly drool in front of seasons upon seasons of a really awesome show until it ends leaving me to wonder just what in the hell I am going to do with my life.  My show of choice at this moment is Dexter…

And, I know most of you are asking yourselves just how in the hell I missed all of the seasons of such a fantabulous show.  Well…I am an idiot!  That is why…

I failed to realize just how awesome it is until the very last -and- shittiest season of all completely blew my mind.  Anyway!  That is where I’ve been and even as I write this post I have Season 6 Episode 12 paused and ready to go!

So lets get on with show and tell, shall we?  After all!  I have a season finale to watch!


After about 3 weeks of researching the right plants to grow, what these plants needed, and the many ways to start the seed.  It finally happened.

I bought a growing tray/greenhouse thingy-ma-doo from -hangs head in shame- Walmart and followed the directions to make these really awesome dirt pellets grow!  All you have to do with them is add water and these things grow like those weird spongy capsule toys we use to buy and put into our bathtubs as kids.


I got it on sale for $7.00 in the garden department.

The trays usually run between $7 and $13….


 ….and if you keep the plastic tray and lid there are refill packages for them.

Time to fill all 72 of the pellets with approximately 10 cups of water…

I planted Sweet Basil, Cilantro, Chives, Parsley, and Oregano.  Within 3 days of planting the seeds my little tiny green children started to curl out of the soil and expose bright and cheerful little leaves.


Since these little plantlings are all sprouted…

…it is now time to prepare the garden where they will become large plantlings.

Until next time.

❤ Scatter.




Everyone meet, Dick…

Everyone meet, Dick…

“Opinions are like assholes and everybody has one.”

I am sure everyone has encountered an individual who is hell bent on sharing “advice” pointing out how wrong you are either in your own opinions or the way you do something.  There are so many in this world who cannot possibly fathom a grey area existing and will argue or lecture for hours if permitted to make you see that their way is -in fact- the right way.

Fellow Scatterbrains I would like to introduce you to, Dick.  He has opinions…so many opinions and he will not be ignored.  In Dick’s opinion you are either right (agreeing with him) or wrong (disagreeing) and there is no “agree to disagree” with Dick…oh no.  He will argue his case until the very last breath falls from his lungs, he is blue in the face, and is feeling heart palpitations. -Don’t die, Dick-

You see…

Dick has a perfect life and you can tell it by his mid-grade desk job, his stick figure mini-van family, and his semi-awesome house that he has problems paying for…  On the surface he is a respected, Dick, always sharing his insight with others like-minded to him and happily maintaining a blind existence to anything other than his normal, average, everyday life of working in his cubicle and then returning home for Monday night football and a 12 pack with “the boys”.


Dick is so incredibly proud of who he is that he also feels he should talk to, instruct, and give advice to those he feels are lesser than him -but- he only offers his two cents.  Usually his advice is posted indirectly on Facebook, Twitter, or any other social media outlet with a large audience of like-minded dicks who will throw the likes onto the board agreeing with his garble.  His famous quote this week is,

“I don’t understand lazy people who wont work.  Just get off your ass and get a job.”

Well, Dick!  You may be getting applauded by other closed minded individuals but do you realize that those of us who do not answer are looking at your post and thinking about how big of a pompous asshole you are?  I mean, yeah, it’s a free country.  You are protected and it is your right to make yourself look like a complete idiot if you so choose to posses that characteristic, but do you?  Really?  You choose this image for yourself?  What would Jesus think, Dick?  -tsk tsk-

Dick has a desk job and the power to hire as well as fire people.  He is the boss.  Dick has pull -pun intended- but he never uses his powers for good.  You see…it is easy for him to make such comments on the intronets and never ever think about repercussions for his actions because Dick doesn’t care that those underneath him have feelings.  After-all those who don’t work are lazy and to Dick…they don’t deserve his sympathy.

The reality is that there are so many people in this world who are just like Dick.  They spout off opinions on what you are, who you are, and who they think you are without a second thought that they may just be wrong about the person they are passing judgment upon.  The worst part about this is that dicks offer said opinions without offering up any kind of substantial advice or solution.  In other words the Dicks of the world just want to spew word vomit from the throat, to the mouth, and out of the lips in an effort to hear themselves speak.

Dick offers absolutely nothing to this world but an opinion…and….we all have them.

The lesson in this post is to spend less time judging others…like a Dick…and more time loving and understanding others…

❤ Scatter